1. Less Toxic Bacteria
Your mouth is a perfect breeding place for bacteria. It is warm and moist and has a consistent source of nutrients, including sugary foods and cakes to name a few. Good brushing and flossing will help to remove some of the bacteria from your teeth and gums, but you will always leave a few million behind. Crowded teeth are a perfect environment for the armful anaerobic bacteria. The hampered blood supply to crowded teeth and the irregular gum tissues surrounding term, reduces the oxygen in the area and encourages bacterial growth. Straightening your teeth improves the flood flow and increases the oxygen level, which makes it harder for anaerobic bacteria to colonise your mouth.
2. Nice Smiles Make a Difference
There have been many studies rating people on before and after teeth have their teeth straightened. Across the board, they rate the people with nice smiles – defined by straight teeth- as more attractive, intelligent, happy, successful in their careers, friendly, interesting, kind, wealthy and popular with the opposite sex.
3. Correct Functioning of Teeth
Teeth play an important role in eating, chewing and nutrition. They come in different shapes and sizes to break down food before it is swallowed. They also help us to form sounds and speak clearly, and they are an important part of a person’s smile.
4. Reduce Periodontal Disease
When your teeth are crooked and crowded, it is hard to keep them clean even when you’re very diligent about brushing and flossing. Chances are that overtime you’ll develop periodontal disease. If you have crooked teeth you’re much more likely to not only have gum disease but to have it more seriously.
5. Decrease the Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke
Cardiologists have known for decades that their patients also tend to have dental problems. Especially gum disease. What’s the connection? Inflammation. While inflammation in your mouth goes on for a long time, it can lead to inflammation throughout your body – and that’ s well known risk factor for heart disease. Inflammation is associated with atherosclerosis, or arteries that are narrowed and are narrowed and stiff because they have layers of fatty plaque inside them. Preventing the inflammation to begin to begin with is the best way to r3educe your risk of heart disease and stroke. That means good dental hygiene, but there’s a problem. If you have some of the malocclusion problems explained your risk of gum disease is hight than usual, because you just can’t keep your teeth and gums as clean as they need to be to prevent disease.
6. Protruding Teeth
Normally, your upper front teeth should be just 1-3 millimetres in front of your lower front teeth. If your upper front teeth are sticking out too far, it not only looks odd, but it jeopardises the longevity of your teeth. Protruding teeth are far more susceptible to trauma.